How to Handle the Aftermath of an IRS Raid in Virginia
News, Offshore Account UpdatePosted on December 31, 2024 | Share
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigations present serious risks, and once IRS agents have raided your home or office, you only have a limited amount of time to defend yourself before the IRS seeks an indictment. With this in mind, find out what you need to do in the aftermath of an IRS raid from Virginia criminal tax attorney Kevin E. Thorn, Managing Partner of Thorn Law Group.
Step #1: Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent
First and foremost, you should exercise your right to remain silent. At this point, you should not say anything to anyone at the IRS (or any other federal law enforcement agency) unless otherwise advised by your attorney. Generally speaking, you will want to have your attorney communicate with federal agents and prosecutors on your behalf while you work with your attorney to make informed decisions about your defense under the protection of the attorney-client privilege.
Step #2: Figure Out What Information the IRS Seized During the Raid
You will also need to work with your attorney to figure out what information the IRS seized during the raid. This will not only allow you to determine what the IRS knows and what it doesn’t (although the IRS may have information from other sources as well), but it will also give you insight into the specific charges that the IRS is targeting.
Step #3: Evaluate All Potential Charges Against You
To present an effective defense, you will need to have a clear understanding of all potential charges against you. Even if the IRS didn’t uncover information about a potential offense during its raid, it could obtain this information later in the investigative process (if it doesn’t have this information already). The IRS can pursue a wide range of criminal charges—including charges that aren’t necessarily tax-related.
Step #4: Determine What Defenses You Have Available
Once you know what charges the IRS is pursuing, then you can shift your focus to determining what defenses you have available. Here too, it is important to consider all possibilities—from substantive defenses under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to procedural defenses based on mistakes or oversights during the IRS’s raid.
Step #5: Build and Execute a Defense Strategy with a Specific Outcome in Mind
Finally, once you have all of the information you need, then you can build and execute a defense strategy with a specific outcome in mind. Whether you should focus on resolving the investigation without charges, negotiating a settlement with the IRS or preparing to defend yourself in court will depend on the specific facts and circumstances at hand.
Arrange a Confidential Consultation with Virginia Criminal Tax Attorney Kevin E. Thorn
If you are facing an IRS investigation in Virginia, we encourage you to contact us promptly for more information. To arrange a confidential consultation with Virginia criminal tax attorney Kevin E. Thorn, Managing Partner of Thorn Law Group, as soon as possible, call 703-752-3752 or tell us how we can get in touch online now.